The conspiracy to divide the Arab world

Whoever controls the region from the Nile to the Euphrates by land and sea controls the Middle East , and whoever wants to control the world must first control the Arab world


The Arab world

A term given to the geographic region that extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the west to the Arabian Sea and the Arabian Gulf in the east, including all member states of the League of Arab States , including the areas under Zionist occupation. Arabs refer to the people whose regions constitute the Arab world that arose due to the introduction of Islam and the spread of the Arabic language throughout the region during the early Islamic conquests in the seventh and eighth centuries.


It is noteworthy that Western countries and the United States of America use the term “Arab World” or even “the Middle East and North Africa” to remove the Arab character from the region, with the aim of integrating Israel.


Islamic conquest

The region began to form and come together to have a common history, language, and culture with the beginning of the Islamic conquest. Before the expansion of the Rashidun Caliphate (632-661), Arabs were largely settled in the Arabian Peninsula, the Syrian Desert, and Mesopotamia. After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, in the year 632, the Rightly Guided Caliphs undertook conquest campaigns that established the Islamic Caliphate or the Islamic Empire as one of the largest empires in history.

Then different countries and regimes came to the region, but they were united by language and religion, the most important of which were

The Islamic State under the Rightly Guided Caliphs 632–661 .

The Islamic State under the Umayyad Dynasty 661–750

The Islamic State under the Ottoman Empire (1299-1922/1923)


The areas of Arab presence expanded during the period of the Rightly Guided Caliphs and the subsequent Islamic countries until they reached their greatest extent to the south of the borders of France in the west, China in the east, Anatolia in the north, and Sudan in the south. This was one of the largest land empires in history.


Ottoman Empire (1299-1922/1923)

From 1517 to 1918 most of the Arab world was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire ، after the Ottomans defeated the Mamluk Sultanate of Cairo and ended the Abbasid Caliphate.

In 1911, some Arab intellectuals in Paris formed the Arab Girl Association, a nationalist club that called for greater autonomy within the unified Ottoman Empire rather than Arab independence from the empire. The Arab Girl Association hosted the 1913 Arab Congress in Paris whose purpose was to discuss desired reforms with other dissidents from the Arab world. However, with the Ottoman authorities suppressing the activities of the organization and its members, the work of the Arab Girl Association began in secret and demanded complete independence and unity for the Arab provinces.


 In the early twentieth century, World War I was the last stage in the end of the Ottoman Empire . This led to the defeat and dissolution of the empire, the division of its lands, and the formation of the modern Arab states after the intervention of European colonial powers such as Britain, France, and Italy, which competed to occupy different regions of the Arab world and plunder its wealth to meet their interests and ambitions in the region . Then the stage of struggle against colonialism began until the resistance movements in the Arab countries succeeded in expelling the European occupation forces and most of the Arab countries gained their independence.


In 1916, Sharif Hussein bin Ali led an armed revolution against the Ottoman Empire, which began in Hijaz, which was one of the main reasons for the fall of the Ottoman Empire and the end of Ottoman rule in the Arab region. The reverberations of the revolution extended from Hijaz until it reached Iraq and the Levant. The revolution aimed to end Ottoman rule in the region and establish an Arab state, or a union of Arab states that included the Arabian Peninsula, Najd and Hijaz . The revolutionary army was able to achieve victories over the army of the Ottoman Empire in Hijaz and along the front lines until Damascus.


Although the Arab Revolt was ostensibly Arab-led and was the result of unacceptable policies practiced by the Ottoman Empire in the region, such as forced conscription and the imposition of taxes, the British role was present in secret. Britain sought to incite and support the revolution with the aim of eliminating the Ottoman Empire, while offering promises to the Arabs to help establish an independent homeland for them. But Britain violated all those promises and handed over the lands of Palestine to the Zionist gangs, which committed a series of massacres against the residents of Palestine and the Arabs to force them to immigrate and seize their lands and homes.


After the end of the authority of the Ottoman Empire, the Arab world suffered from Western colonialism on most of its lands, starting from the nineteenth century through the twentieth century, which witnessed the establishment of Israel and the spread of disputes between Arab regimes that reached the point of armed conflict and led to the weakening of the Arabs.


Sykes-Picot Agreement

It is a secret agreement signed in 1916 between France, the United Kingdom, Tsarist Russia, and Italy to divide the regions of the Arab world during World War I after working to overthrow the rule of the Ottoman Empire, which was controlling that region . The agreement was named after the French diplomat François-Georges-Picot and the British Mark Sykes , who represented their countries in the secret negotiations and signed the agreement. The governments of those countries ratified the agreement on May 9 and 16, 1916 .


The agreement divided the Ottoman Arab states outside the Arabian Peninsula into areas controlled or under the influence of Britain and France. Britain had some share Today it is Palestine, Jordan, southern Iraq and an additional small area that includes the ports of Haifa and Acre to allow access to the Mediterranean Sea. As for France, it controls southeastern Türkiye, northern Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. Italy agreed to this agreement in 1917 through the Treaty of Saint-Jean-de-Maurene, so that it would have southern Anatolia.


The agreement was initially used as the direct basis for settlement between the colonial powers that signed the agreement, and on a larger scale it was intended to indirectly lead to the partition of the Ottoman Empire after its defeat in World War I in 1918.


Many view the agreement as a turning point in Western-Arab relations. The United Kingdom canceled its promises to the Arabs regarding an Arab national homeland in the Greater Syria region in exchange for their support for Britain against the Ottoman Empire. The terms of the agreement were revealed when the Bolsheviks came to rule Russia on November 23, 1917, and were published in the British newspaper The Guardian on November 26, 1917, so that “the British were embarrassed, the Arabs were dissatisfied, and the Turks were delighted.” The legacy of the agreement continues to cast a shadow over current conflicts in the region.

In the present time , more than a hundred years after this agreement, many conspiracies have begun to emerge to re-divide the Arab world into smaller countries on the basis of different religious and ethnic sects , to ensure the widening of the gap between them and the difficulty of uniting them. Among the most famous of these maps are the maps of veteran intelligence man, diplomat, and academic Bernard Lewis , which was officially presented to Congress in the 1980s to divide all the countries of the Middle East

The so-called Yinon Plan, the Israeli intelligence man Oded Binon, a former official in the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs , published an article in February 1982 in the Hebrew magazine Kivunim (“Trends”) entitled “A Strategy for Israel in the Eighties.”

Through which it is expected that the eleven countries will soon become approximately 18 smaller entities. This article has played a role both in the analysis of conflict resolution adopted by the US administration under George W. Bush, as well as in conspiracy theories according to which the article predicted or planned major political events in the Middle East since the 1980s, including the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the overthrow of Saddam Hussein. , the Syrian Civil War and the rise of ISIS.



The size and strength of the Arab countries

The Union of Arab States is the nightmare that European countries and the United States do not wish to see come true, because it may pose a real threat to the influence of those countries in the region and the world, and a threat to their interests, whether political or economic. More generally, the formation of a single union in the Arab world will represent a real threat to any other power that wants to dominate the world

But what will actually be achieved if the Arab countries unite into one entity

The Arab world will be 13 million square kilometers, that is The second largest country in the world after Russia . However, it will be distinguished and superior to Russia by its strategic geographic location in the middle of the world and its view of the most important seas, oceans, and maritime ports in the world

The Arab world's gross domestic product will be at the fourth level in the world after the United States, China, and the European Union

The Arab world's oil production will constitute about 32% of global production, thus becoming the most important and largest producer of energy in the world. The Arab world is the largest region with oil reserves in the world

The Arab world has vast areas that are permanently exposed throughout the year to sunlight, capable of producing electricity from solar energy in quantities sufficient to cover the Earth’s needs, making it the largest producer of renewable energy in the world

The Arab world will have an arable area of more than 600 thousand square kilometers It is the largest area in the world 


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