Jewish antiquities in Palestine

 Jewish antiquities in Palestine


“In no text or archaeological find do we find the term ‘Land of Israel’ used to refer to a specific geographical area ,” says Shlomo Sand , an Israeli history professor at Tel Aviv University and author of The Invention of the Jewish People.

One of the established historical facts that many do not know is that the Children of Israel never built a civilization in the lands of Palestine or its surrounding areas. This is clear in archaeological studies that found tools belonging to the Palestinians since the Bronze Age but did not find anything belonging to the Jews.


In the third millennium BC, Abraham, peace be upon him, migrated from the town of Ur in Iraq to Palestine, and gave birth to Isaac, the father of Jacob, who is also called Israel, and to whom the Israelites belong. Because of the famine, Jacob and his children migrated to Egypt, where his son, the Prophet Joseph, peace be upon him, was in charge of its treasuries. They settled in Egypt and their number increased, but they were subjected to persecution during the reign of Ramesses II, so Moses, peace be upon him, decided to take them out to the land of Canaan. They stayed in the desert for 40 years before they were able to enter Palestine after the death of Moses and during the era of the Prophet Joshua, and David was able to establish a kingdom for the children of Israel in Jerusalem after they defeated Goliath.


In general, the presence of Jews in the lands of Palestine was limited to a specific, intermittent period throughout the ages . According to the narrator of the Torah itself, the first presence of Jews on the land of Palestine was after 1460 BC , and the percentage of Jews was very small compared to the original “Canaanite” population . There is no city in Palestine built by the Jews, or bearing a Jewish name. The names of all the villages and cities of Palestine were - and still are - Canaanite and Arabic.

The Canaanite Arabs are considered the inhabitants of the land of Palestine since prehistoric times (the era before reading and writing), where they settled and worked on reclaiming the land, farming, and building houses. Traces and agricultural tools were found dating back to a period in which the Jews did not exist at all, and this indicates that there is a population that preceded everyone else in life in this way. the earth.

Also from the Torah we find that the name “Jerusalem” was mentioned in two places in the two books of Isaiah And Nehemiah.  The debtor's name existed and preceded its existence The children of Israel there, and before the emergence of the Hebrew language in the first place.


Testimonies to the absence of Jewish antiquities in Palestine

Since the Zionists occupied The eastern part of Jerusalem from 1967 to today , and successive governments have spent money on successive archaeological excavation missions. Despite the continuous efforts, they carried out excavations and tunnels under the walls of Mount Jerusalem, and under the walls of Al-Aqsa Mosque on its western and southern sides. The excavations extended to the inner floor under the courtyard of the mosque, and under the Women’s Mosque inside Al-Aqsa Mosque. The excavations continued by digging a wide, long tunnel that penetrated the mosque from east to west. No traces or excavations were found proving the existence of a Jewish state or the alleged Temple of Solomon in the city of Jerusalem. This was confirmed by more than one party and even by Israeli archaeologists themselves .

Many archaeologists have acknowledged that they have surveyed the land of Palestine, stone by stone , inch by inch, since the nineteenth century, and have not left a stone, a well, a valley, a mountain, a high or a bottom without digging it up... and the result: nothing! No evidence .

The Israeli archaeologist, Israel Flenkstein , confirms that the Jews have no connection to the city of Jerusalem, and believes that the Jews never lived there, that no temple was built throughout the ages, and that the stories of the temple are fabricated . And since there is no archaeological evidence in Solomon’s Temple that indicates that it existed, on what basis do the Zionist Jews claim that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of their state?

Flinkstein added , " These people who are excavating in Jerusalem are trying to mix religion with science, adding that right-wing extremist Jewish organizations, including the Elad Association , have not found an artifact dating back to the time of the prophets David and Solomon . "


In the same context, was the testimony of Professor Yoni Mizrahi , an independent archaeologist who previously worked with the International Atomic Energy Agency, who agreed with Finkelstein’s opinion , saying that the Elad Association had not found traces or even writings dating back to the time of the kings of the Jewish state, even though they They rely on sacred texts to guide them in their work.


Another testimony came from one of the leading scholars of so-called “biblical archeology,” the American Thomas Thompson , who said : “ None of the archaeologists, diggers, or prospectors, throughout Palestine, was able to obtain a single piece of evidence confirming that “The Jews had a presence in the land of Palestine before the first hundred years of Christ, peace be upon him. ” In 1999 AD, Thompson published a book with the main title: “ The Mythic Past ” and a subtitle: “ Biblical Archeology and the Myth of Israel . ” : “Biblical Archeology and the Myth of Israel.”


The strongest and most important of these testimonies was issued by the Israeli archaeologist, professor of the Department of Archeology and Ancient Eastern Civilization at Tel Aviv University, Professor Zeev Herzog , when he issued the article “The Torah: No Proof on Earth,” which was published by the newspaper (Haaretz). The Israeli newspaper, dated 11/18/1999, stated: “After seventy years of intensive excavations in the land of Palestine, archaeologists reached a frightening conclusion. There was nothing at all. The stories of the fathers are just legends. We did not go down to Egypt, and we did not go up from there.” “We did not occupy Palestine, and there is no mention of the empire of David and Solomon.” Herzog continues , saying: “It is believed that the entire population of the world, not the citizens of Israel and the sons of the Jewish people alone, will be astonished to hear the facts that have become known to the archaeologists who undertake excavations in the Land of Israel.” A while ago. In the last twenty years, a real revolution has occurred in the view of “Israeli” archaeologists to the Torah as a historical source, and the majority of those engaged in scientific discussions in the field of the Torah are antiquities and the history of the people of “Israel”, who until now were searching the ground for proofs and evidence for the stories contained in the Old Testament. They now agree that the stages of formation of the people of Israel were completely different from what is described in the Torah. It is difficult to accept this, but it is clear to scholars and researchers today that the people of Israel did not reside in Egypt, nor did they wander in the desert, nor did they occupy the land through a military campaign, nor did they settle it through their twelve tribes. Even more difficult to digest is the fact that is slowly becoming clear that the unified kingdom of David and Solomon, which the Torah described as a regional superpower, was at most a small tribal kingdom. In addition, it is expected that everyone who will have to live with the information that Jehovah is God will be uncomfortable. Israel was married and the ancient “Israeli” religion adopted monotheism only in the late era of the kingdom and not on Mount Sinai.”

The Lie of Solomon's Temple

It is no secret that the "Israeli entity" was built on myths and legends attributed to the Torah, which are exploited for political goals. At the top of these allegations is the “Temple Lie .”

Concerning the Temple of Solomon, which the Zionist occupation authorities claim was built in the city of Jerusalem in the location of the Al-Aqsa Mosque. We find a clear contradiction in the travel narratives that talked about the Temple, and about determining its location This makes the entire Israeli story about the Temple unbelievable, because the contradictions and differences mentioned in the Scriptures cannot be true heavenly revelation . Even Jewish scholars and rabbis differed greatly in determining the location of the Temple, and this is more likely that the Temple of Solomon is a lie and a legend.

In the Holy Qur’an, there is no mention of the Temple of Solomon. Only mention was made of the palace of our Master Solomon (peace be upon him) made of bottles when Queen Sheba visited it and was amazed by the beauty and miracles of the palace. God Almighty said: “It was said to her, ‘Enter the edifice.’ But when she saw it, she thought it was a pit, and uncovered her legs. He said, ‘It is a edifice made of bottles.’ She said, ‘My Lord, indeed I have wronged myself, and I submitted with Solomon to God, Lord of the worlds.’” [An-Naml: 44].


and American archaeologists who excavated and worked on excavations and tunnels under the Holy Mosque have proven that there is not a single trace of Solomon’s Temple under the Holy Mosque, nor under Al-Aqsa Mosque, nor under the Dome of the Rock, and many Jewish and Western researchers shared their opinion. Which prompted some of them to say that the Temple is a fairy tale that does not exist> 


Israeli historian Shlomo Zend - in an interview with Al Jazeera Net - regarding what Mazar said , accusing Zionism and its arms of weaving lies and myths and reproducing history, and questioning all the alleged Talmudic narratives , not just the Temple narrative . Historian Zend - who wrote a series of books about the invention of the Jewish people and the "Land of Israel" - explains that the Temple did not originally exist to be demolished, and that the Buraq Wall in Jerusalem was never the "Wailing Wall."


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