People inhabited Palestine
It is not known exactly
when humans inhabited the land of Palestine, nor is it known with certainty
what life was like in that region . Archaeological
evidence indicates that the oldest human settlement in Palestine dates back to
the Paleolithic era, about one million years ago. Primitive man inhabited it in
caves and natural shelters .
The oldest archaeological
discoveries found in Jabal al-Qafrah south of Nazareth and the sand slope near
Tiberias, dating back to the period between 7500 and 3100 BC, confirm that this
region witnessed a kind of simple life. The most important event witnessed was
the founding of the city of Jericho, which historians consider the oldest town
in history, and its remains were found near the town of Ain al-Sultan.
In the late fourth millennium BC, the inhabitants of the region began to learn about copper and use it in some primitive industries, and so historians called that period the Chalcolithic Age
Palestine throughout history
witnessed the passage of many civilizations and peoples, such as the Pharaohs, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Romans, Byzantines and Muslims . The Palestinians are an Arab people living in historical Palestine, a geographical area located in the eastern Mediterranean Sea and includes the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and Israel. The Palestinians are considered part of the larger Arab people inhabiting the Middle East and North Africa
Origins of the Palestinians
The origin of the Palestinians goes back to a mixture of peoples who inhabited Palestine throughout history, including
Canaanites: They are one of the oldest peoples who inhabited Palestine, and they are considered the historical roots of the Palestinians
Ancient Palestinians: They are another population group that inhabited Palestine in ancient times, and they are related to the Canaanites
Other peoples: Such as the Amorites, Arameans and Nabataeans, who settled in Palestine at different periods of history
Canaanite migration
The first permanent traces
of people who settled in Palestine go back to the “ Canaanites” and the Amorites
, who were Arab tribes who entered Palestine from the Arabian Peninsula. The
first significant human migrations to Palestine began at the beginning of the
third millennium BC, the migration of the Canaanites who were known by the
names of the places where they settled. After a while, there were three
languages: Canaanite, Aramaic - the language of Christ, peace be upon him - and
Arabic. Palestine remained called the land of Canaan until 1200 BC when it was
invaded by Cretan tribes . This is something that historians, both Eastern and
Western, agreed upon. As for the Jews, they were not mentioned at this time,
but the first mention of them came several centuries later.
In the third millennium BC,
Abraham, peace be upon him, migrated from the town of Ur in Iraq to Palestine,
and there he gave birth to Isaac, the father of Jacob, who is also called
Israel, and to whom the Israelites are descended. Throughout history According
to historians And scientists The effects, film It is called On the ground
Jews and not the land of
the children of Israel at all.
The Arab tribes in Palestine were divided into sections
Canaanites: They inhabited the plains of Palestine
Jebusites: They settled in the Jerusalem area
Phoenicians and Amorites: They lived in the mountains
The most important civilizations that succeeded one another in Palestine
The most important historical stages that Palestine went through
Ancient times
Canaanite era : The Canaanites inhabited Palestine since the third millennium BC, and established important cities such as Jericho and Jerusalem
The Israeli era : In the tenth century BC, the Prophet David founded the Kingdom of Israel, and then the Kingdom of Judah
Persian, Greek and Roman eras : These powers ruled Palestine at different times, and left important impacts on the region
Middle ages
Islamic conquest : In the seventh century AD, the Muslims conquered Palestine, and it became part of the Umayyad and then Abbasid state
Crusades : In the eleventh and twelfth centuries, Palestine witnessed the Crusades, and the Crusaders were able to establish the Kingdom of Jerusalem
Ayyubid and Mamluk state : Muslims regained Palestine during the reign of Saladin, and it was ruled by the Ayyubids and Mamluks until the sixteenth century
Modern times
Ottoman Empire : The Ottoman Empire ruled Palestine for more than 400 years, until World War I
British Mandate : After World War I, Palestine was placed under the British Mandate, and this period witnessed intensive Jewish immigration to Palestine
The Nakba and the establishment of the State of Israel : In 1948, the State of Israel was established on parts of Palestine, and hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were displaced as a result
Israeli occupation : Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continues to this day
Current status
Today, Palestinians live in various parts of the world, including
Palestinian identity
The Palestinian identity has evolved over the centuries, and was shaped by
Belonging to the land : Palestinians consider Palestine their homeland, and are deeply attached to it
Language and culture : Palestinians speak Arabic and have a rich and diverse culture that includes literature, art, music and cuisine
Common history : Palestinians share a long history of struggle and challenges, including the 1948 Nakba and the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories