How Will the World End? A Look at Possible Scenarios

 How Will the World End? A Look at Possible Scenarios



The question of the end of the world is a question that has occupied humanity since ancient times. We have always imagined what the end of the world would look like, as humans believe that this world will end. From ancient myths to heavenly religions that spoke and described the end of the world, the Day of Judgment, and the war of the end of time. The idea of the end of the world carries within it a great deal of fear and mystery, but at the same time it stimulates curiosity and prompts us to think about our place in the universe


The most important possible causes of the end of the world 

Scientifically, there are many theories about the end of the universe, such as the reverse Big Bang theory or the theory of continuous expansion. However, there is no conclusive evidence for any of these theories, and no specific date can be set for the end of the universe. Although the idea of the end of the world may seem far-fetched, scientists and researchers have put forward many possible scenarios that could lead to the end of the world as we know it. Here are some of the most important of these reasons

Climate change: Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity. Global warming, melting ice, rising sea levels, and more severe weather events could disrupt the ecological balance and make Earth uninhabitable 

Collision with space objects: There is a possibility of the Earth colliding with a large asteroid or comet, which could lead to massive destruction and catastrophic climate changes

Nuclear wars: nuclear powers possess weapons capable of destroying the world many times over, and a large-scale nuclear war could lead to a nuclear winter that would destroy crops and lead to widespread famine

Artificial intelligence: Some fear that artificial intelligence will develop beyond human control, which could lead to the enslavement or even destruction of humans 

Depletion of natural resources: Overconsumption of natural resources such as oil and water could lead to their depletion, threatening the continuation of human civilization 

Massive volcanic eruption: A massive volcanic eruption could cause catastrophic climate change 

Gamma ray burst: A nearby star explosion could release devastating gamma rays that could destroy the ozone layer and cause widespread extinction 

Death of the sun: Eventually, the Sun will run out of fuel and turn into a white dwarf, which will cool the Earth and kill all life

Heat death of the universe: This theory assumes that the universe will gradually lose energy, and will reach a state of thermal equilibrium, where the temperature is equal throughout the universe, which will stop all reactions



Man-made causes

Nuclear war: The widespread use of nuclear weapons could lead to a nuclear winter that would destroy civilization. The tension between the United States and the Soviet Union was high, as the fear of nuclear war was always present and renewed with the emergence of hot spots of conflicts and disputes 

Epidemics: The emergence of new antibiotic-resistant epidemics may pose a major threat to humanity, especially in light of globalization and the ease with which diseases spread. Also, secret research is being conducted to produce biological weapons and prepare new strains of viruses in laboratories. Species of organisms such as bacteria or viruses may be produced that are not a product of nature but rather the result of human intervention 

Pollution: These are logical reasons that we see in our daily lives around us. With the advancement of science and industrial development, we witness environmental degradation and the collapse of ecosystems. And the change in nature as a result of the spread of pollutants and harmful gases resulting from factories or the expansion of the use of plastic materials that do not decompose easily and lead to the death of many animals and creatures. We already see the effects of climate change on our planet, such as rising sea levels and increasing storms


Artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence may get out of control and cause serious harm to humanity


Religious view on the end times war

The End Times War is one of the most prominent events discussed by the three major monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Despite the differences in details, there is one thread that unites these religions, which is their belief in a major final conflict before the Day of Judgment. Religious accounts of the End Times War differ, but they agree that there will be major events before the end of the world, such as the appearance of the Antichrist, the descent of Jesus, peace be upon him, and a great war. Despite the differences in details, religious accounts agree on some basic points 

The existence of a great cosmic war: All religions agree that there will be a great cosmic war before the end of the world

The victory of good over evil: All stories end with the victory of good over evil, and the coming of the Day of Judgment 

The role of prophets and messengers: Prophets and apostles play a crucial role in the events leading up to the end of the world


Causes of war

The struggle between good and evil: The heavenly religions see the final conflict as an embodiment of an eternal struggle between good and evil, between the forces of light and darkness. Evil is represented by the Antichrist, while good is represented by Jesus Christ, peace be upon him 

The spread of corruption and injustice: Many believe that the spread of corruption and injustice on earth will reach an intolerable level, which calls for divine intervention to end this situation 

Test of faith: This war is the ultimate test of faith, where true believers emerge and God's promise of victory is fulfilled


Comparison of religious narratives

Jewish narrative: The Jewish narrative describes a great global war before the coming of the Messiah, where the nations will unite against the people of God (the Jewish people), where the nations will ally to destroy the Jews, and a great war will take place in a valley in Palestine. Then the Lord Christ will return to earth and the remaining Jews will believe in him, and he will lead them to victory in the end 

Christian narrative: Christianity speaks of the War of Armageddon, a great cosmic war that will pit all evil against good, and will end with the return of Jesus Christ to Earth where he will lead Christians and believers in him in this battle against the forces of evil. Christ will ultimately be victorious 

Islamic narrative: Islam describes a great war between Muslims and Jews before the Day of Judgment, where the Antichrist will appear, and many people will follow him in the path of evil. Then Jesus, peace be upon him, will descend to Earth to fight the Antichrist and lead the Muslims to victory and enter the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and Allah will grant victory to the Muslims


Result and winner 

From a Jewish point of view 

Gog war And Magog: Gog war is considered Gog and Magog are among the most important events that precede the Day of Judgment. It is described in the Holy Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet, and mentioned in the Torah and the Bible. From the Jewish point of view, Gog and Magog will come from the north to Palestine, where they will be defeated by the Jews. This war ends with the victory of Israel by a divine miracle, the purification of the land, and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth 

Quote: “And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be set on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above all nations: and all nations shall come unto it, and many people shall go up unto it, and say, Come, we pray. And we have gone up unto the mountain of the Lord, and unto the house of the God of Jacob, that he may teach us his ways, and we shall walk in his paths: for the law shall go out of Zion, and the word of the Lord. From Jerusalem.” (Isaiah 2:2-3)


From a Christian point of view 

Armageddon War: Armageddon is the final battle between good and evil, and occurs before the second coming of Christ. Where the demons of the world gather to fight against the Antichrist and his forces  

Victory: This conflict ends with the victory of Christ and his forces, and the return of Christ to earth to rule the world for a thousand years 

Quote: “And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the keys of the bottomless pit, and a great chain in his hand. And he took hold of the dragon, that ancient serpent, which is the devil Satan, and bound him a thousand years.” (Revelation 20:1-2) 

The Gospel (Book of Revelation): “Then I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse, and his rider’s name is Faithful and True. He judges and makes war with righteousness. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and on his head were many faces. He had a name written which no one knew except himself. And he was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him, riding on white horses; and they were clothed in garments white and pure. And their tongue was a drawn sword out of their mouth, to smite the nations with it, and to trample underfoot the wrath of the Almighty’s wine” (Revelation 19:11-15)


From an Islamic point of view 

The Great Epic: The Great Epic refers to the final battle between Muslims, Jews and all those who follow the Antichrist against the Muslims led by Jesus, peace be upon him, before the Day of Judgment

The victor: Muslims believe that Muslims will be victorious under the leadership of Jesus Christ, son of Mary

The Holy Quran: “ And they say, ‘When will this promise be, if you should be truthful?’ Say, ‘Knowledge is only with Allah, and I only inform you of what has been revealed to me. And you will surely see the punishment, and you will know that it is the truth. And indeed, every soul, when it does evil, will see it, and indeed, every soul, when it does good, will see it. Then you will be returned to the Day of Resurrection.’” Your Lord will inform you about that over which you used to differ.” (Surat Al-An’am: 67)


Note: This article aims to provide an overview of some possible scenarios for the end of the world, and is not based on any specific scientific theory


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