Summary of the book "The Psychology of Crowds" by Gustave Le Bon


Summary of the book "The Psychology of Crowds"
 by Gustave Le Bon
An In-Depth Analysis of Crowd Behavior



Gustave Le Bon's book "The Psychology of Crowds" is a pioneering work in the field of social psychology. It caused a sensation when it was published in 1895 and remains of great importance to this day . The book provides an in-depth analysis of crowd behavior and how individual psychology differs from group psychology. It is a book by a scientist in crowd psychology or group psychology.


History of the book

The Psychology of Crowds was first published in 1895, coinciding with a period of great social and political change in Europe, such as the Industrial Revolution and urban growth. Le Bon drew on these changes in his analysis of crowd behavior.


 The most important points covered in the book

Transformation of the individual's personality within the group: Le Bon explains how joining a group leads to a change in the individual's behavior and thoughts, as the individual loses part of his independent personality and becomes more susceptible to the influence of the emotions and opinions prevailing in the group.

Crowd mentality: Le Bon describes the masses as having a primitive mentality, in which emotions prevail over reason, and they are more susceptible to suggestion and influence by symbols and slogans.

Leaders of the masses: Le Bon focuses on the role of leaders in directing the masses, and how they exploit the primitive mentality of the masses to achieve their goals.

The danger of the crowd: Le Bon warns of the danger of the masses, and how they can turn into a destructive force if not properly directed.


Scientific principles

The psychological audience has a unified mental unity, unlike the audiences that gather in an unintended manner.

The individual moves consciously, while the crowd moves unconsciously. This means that consciousness is individual and unconsciousness is collective.

The masses are conservative by nature, despite their revolutionary demonstrations. Conservative, that is, they restore what they have destroyed and overturned.

Propaganda has an irrational basis because it addresses the forces of faith.


Book advantages

One of the first books to deal with crowd psychology: The book is one of the first books to address this topic in a scientific manner, making it an important reference for researchers in this field.

His ideas are still relevant: Although more than a century has passed since its publication, Le Bon's ideas remain relevant to the lives of contemporary societies.

Smooth and enjoyable writing: The book is characterized by a smooth and enjoyable style, which makes it readable by everyone.


Disadvantages of the book

Overgeneralization: Le Bon tends to overgeneralize in his description of crowd behavior, which makes him vulnerable to criticism.

Focus on the negative aspects: The book focuses heavily on the negative aspects of the masses, and ignores their positive aspects.

Lack of scientific accuracy: Some of the ideas put forward by Le Bon may not be consistent with modern scientific theories.


 Quotes from the book

“In the group, the individual becomes another being, completely different from what he was in his solitary state.”

" The masses do not know doubt, they believe or do not believe absolutely."

" A leader is one who can direct the emotions of the masses towards a specific goal."


There are many other points that could be addressed in this book, such as the role of the media in influencing the masses, and the relationship between the masses and democracy.



The book "The Psychology of Crowds" is a pioneering work in the field of social psychology, and it has greatly influenced our understanding of crowd behavior. Despite some criticisms that have been directed at it, it is still a valuable book that is worth reading and studying. The book provides deep insights into the nature of crowds and their behavior, which can help us better understand current events in our societies.


Gustave Le Bon

(1841 - 1931 AD) In addition to this book, he has about 103 other books.

He is a French physician and historian, born in 1841 AD. He studied medicine and worked in Europe and other countries around the world. He was interested in psychiatry and produced a group of influential research on group behavior, popular culture, and means of influencing the masses, which made his research a basic reference in psychology and for media researchers in the first half of the twentieth century.

 He wrote about archaeology and anthropology, and was interested in Eastern civilization. He is one of the most famous Western philosophers and one of those who praised the Arab nation and Islamic civilization, unlike most European historians, as he believed that Islamic civilization had a merit over the Western world.

 It is known that Le Bon's long life allowed him to witness the victory of science in the late nineteenth century, the crises of parliamentary democratic systems, the rise of socialism, and then the emergence of those popular forces that accompanied it and greatly worried him. In light of this context, we can approach and understand Le Bon's thought more closely, as he was able to crystallize his theory related to the psychology of peoples or the psychology of peoples and human races.


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